Rocío Medina, featured in Revista Alimentaria🗞
Knowing how to value our team is essential to our business group. Viveros California, a company belonging to the Medina Group, has Rocío Medina visibly at the forefront in the fight for progress in female leadership.
Es todo un honor para nuestro equipo ser liderados por Rocío como directora ejecutiva del Grupo Medina. Una fuente inagotable de sabiduría, saber estar y conocimientos hacen un gran resumen de lo que esta mujer luchadora, formada y preparada para ejercer en su puesto trabaja por nuestro bien común.

Rocío Medina.
Rocío Medina, executive director of Viveros California’s parent company, Medina Group, was featured in the latest issue (520) of Revista Alimentaria. Her article appeared in the “She’s” section, dedicated to women who work in the predominantly male food industry, and more specifically, the farming sector.
It is not the first time that we’ve featured Rocío on our blog, as we recently recalled the importance of her attending Fruit Attraction’s virtual edition last year, where she was awarded Fruit Attraction’s Woman of the Year in the Women’s Forum of this great edition dedicated to the fruit and vegetable sector.
Rocío Medina, a graduate of law, has acquired more than 30 years’ professional expertise, and since its onset, has been a crucial factor behind the exponential growth experienced by what is known today as Medina Group. The Group was founded as a family-run company in the Andalusian fruit and vegetable sector during the 1950s. Thanks to its entrepreneurial insight and continued investment in research and development, the firm has remained alive for decades, growing to the point that it now spans three generations.
In her statements to the magazine, Revista Alimentaria, Rocío commented: “I replaced my father as the head of the company 20 years ago, after gaining experience and learning from him for several years. My objective is to maintain his legacy, improve the company I received, share my responsibilities with my children and for them to do the same one day. This way, I will have spent my whole life contributing to the area’s socio-economic development, sustainably creating employment and wealth.”
Today, the Medina Group has more than 1,000 workers and with Viveros California as a great potential, it has been one of Andalusia’s strawberry growing pioneers, standing out for its quality and international acclaim. Furthermore, through its company Interterra, we can also discover that they have become pioneers in persimmon farming in Huelva province, which is also attempting to make a place for itself in the international arena with this project. “Our best-known product is the Sharoni persimmon, but we do produce other persimmon varieties, blueberries, raspberries, kumquats, limequats, mangoes and other subtropical products. We are also strawberry and raspberry nursery specialists,” Rocío highlighted in her press statements.
Organic farming is also a trend that Viveros California has been following, and the insistence from the company’s main managers is ensuring that this objective is increasingly met over time.
This organic line must always grow and be sustainable, respecting the environment that gives Viveros California such joy (in the shape of strawberries and raspberries)! Thank you Rocío and thank you Revista Alimentaria!